Curriculum Vitae

Juul Sadée
Treebeek, 1958
Tongerseweg 320a, 6215AC Maastricht, 0031(0)433431396, 0031(0)650297093

1975-1980 Academy of Fine Arts, sculpture department, Maastricht.
1980-1982 Jan van Eyck Academy, post academic institute for Fine Arts,  sculpture department, Maastricht.
1984     Jan van Eyck Academy, part-time  mixed media audio/visual, Maastricht

2019    - WWS19’, collaborative artwork with Lieve D’hondt, Zoo ateliers, Gent, (Be)
2018    - group exhibition, Galerie Huub Hannen, Maastricht
            - Art The Hague, Galerie Huub Hannen, art fair The Hague
            - ‘Cerita Cerita’ happening, ruangrupa, contemporary art organization, Jakarta, Indonesia
            - ‘Cerita Cerita’ happening, Jakarta Woman Writers Organisation, Artcentre 'Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta, Indonesia
2017    - Art The Hague, Galerie Huub Hannen, art fair The Hague
2016    - 'SO' multi media installation with soundscape, social sculpture with the Moluccan     community of Arnhem and around, Museum Bronbeek Arnhem, Sonsbeek 2016     transACTIONS, Arnhem
2015    - ‘Archipelago’  social sculpture wit Molucan community Maastricht ‘Ikatan’ performance in cooperation with Catoke Kramer and Lucas Kramer Festival Musica Sacra, ‘Ubo’ 3-screen video Bonnefanten Museum,’Jiwa’ sculptuur Theatre a/h Vrijthof
2014    - ‘Uit de keuken van ………..’, residue social sculpture , group exhibition ‘Beating around the Bush, Episode #3, Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht
            - group exhibition ‘Small Works’ , RAM Galery Rotterdam
2013    - multi-media installation and polyphonic sound performance ‘Kejutan’, social sculpture the Molucan community Maastricht Musica Sacra, Van Eyckacademie, Intro in Situ   sound workshop, Tout Maastricht, pilot for Via 2018 cultural capital Maastricht, Keizerzaal St. Servaes Basilica Maastricht
            - Art The Hague, Gallerie Huub Hannen, art fair The Hague
            - solo multi-media installation, drawings, sculptures, Gallerie Huub Hannen,   Maastricht
2012     - multi-media installation Echelle 1:200, un Triptyque’ (Juul Sadée à une réunion avec Robert Garcet) group show ‘Hier woont mijn huis’, Museum Dr.Joseph Guislain, Gent (Be)
            - solo multi-media installation ‘Echelle 1:200, rencontrer, penser, créer’  Robert Garcet, Juul Sadée Natural History Museum Maastricht
- Manifesta 9, parallelprogramma, Genk (Be), ‘Uit de keuken van ………..’, social sculpture with happenings, performances, debates, in coöperation with Han Rameckers, Museum Het Domein Sittard, CCMaasmechelen, Maasmechelen (Be)
            -Uit de keuken van ………..’, social sculpture with happenings, performances, debates, in coöperation with Han Rameckers, ’t Brandweer Maastricht
2011/2012  - group show ‘Salon Parkstad, state of the art’, Schunck, Heerlen
- ‘Uit de keuken van ………..’, social sculpture with happenings, performances, debates, in coöperation with Han Rameckers,  Schunck, Heerlen
2011   - group show ‘Mail Art’, bibliotheek Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven
- ‘Uit de keuken van ………..’, social sculpture with happenings, performances, debates, in coöperation with Han Rameckers, ’t Brandweer Maastricht
2010/ 2011- solo ‘The Gardener’s Last Song, 2x15 minutes’ multi-media situation, curator Clare Butcher, Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven
2009   - ‘Jeugdzonde’, aboout opus één and opus min één, group show, coöperation between LLS  387, Antwerpen, Hedah, Maastricht
- solo ‘An Act In 20 Minutes’, multi-media installatie, Croxhapox, Gent, (be)
- solo ‘An Act In 20 Minutes’, multi-media installatie,  ‘t Brandweer, stichting SAM, Maastricht
2008   - Glocal Affairs’, group show, curator Jean Boumans, Timmerfabriek, Maastricht
- solo multi-media installation ‘Everything = In The House’, 1 month gueststudio and exhibition, Willem 3, BuroBK Vlissingen
- solo drawings, Gallerie Henn, Maastricht
- from the installation ‘Situation Einer Architekturuntersuchung’ , Casa Casla, architectuurmuseum, Almere
2007   - multi-media installation, ‘A song For Holland, Made In The USA’, group show ‘Binnenste Buiten, Buitenste Binnen’, a commission from Province house Maastricht, Curator Ad Himmelreich
- group show ‘Drawings from the Flatfile’, Galerie Pierogi New York/Leipzig at Artnews, Berlin, Germany
-ERS05 sounds’  DVD presentation with Lieve D’hondt, Experimental Intermedia, Phil Niblock, New York
2006   - soloGoing Out, Coming Home’, 3 months gueststudio and exhibition Museum Mesdag, The Hague    (2006-2007)
- Drawings in stock, Galerie Pierogi, Leipzig/New York      
- Bookpresentation ‘Situations’, Marres Bookshop (Center for Contemporaine kunst), Maastricht
- solo A Song for Atlanta’, multi-media installation, 3 weeks gueststudio, Eyedrums, Atlanta, V.S.
- ERS05 sounds’ soundperformance with Lieve D’hondt, Intro in Situ, sound workshop, Maastricht
2004    - solo ‘Sturm und drang’ multi-media installation, Experimental Intermedia, Gent, Belgium
            - Sound Watch, Video/audio project, Tokio, Japan
2003     - solo ‘Move Your Feet And Do Your Thing’ sound workshop Intro in situ, Maastricht
- solo ‘Stad, Klank, Beweging’ sound workshop Intro in Situ, Maastricht
2001     -  solo presentation multi-media installation and interactive CD-ROM, Watertoren, Vlissingen.
            - ‘Stretched Studio’, Centrum Beeldende Kunst Marres, Maastricht.
            - ‘City Jam’ , Hooghuis, Arnhem.
- ‘Nederlands Textiel’, internationale Triënale, Textielmuseum Doornik, België in samenwerking met het Nederlands    Textielmuseum Tilburg.
2000     - solopresentation interactive multi-media installation and interactive CD-ROM, HEDAH,              Landbouwbelang, Maastricht.
1999     - ‘Koppelingen’, multi-media installation, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam.
1998     - solo presentation multi-media installation + performance, Watertoren, Vlissingen.
1994     - ‘Vilt’, Nederlands Textielmuseum Tilburg.
1993     - RAM Galerie, Rotterdam.
-’Flexible’, Pan European art, Oberfrankenhalle, Bayreuth, Duitsland, Ned. Textielmuseum Tilburg, Quarry Bank Mill Styal, Manchester, Groot Brittanië, Galeria Awangarda, Muzeum, Architektury, Wroclaw, Polen.
1992     -nomination ’Van Bommel- van Dam prijs ‘92’, Museum van Bommel- van Dam, Venlo.
1991       -’Individuals’, 9 Dutch sculptors in 5 Finse museums, Wäïnö Aaltosen  Museo,
Turku,              Kuopion Taidemuseo, Kuopio, Rovaniemen Taidemuseo, Rovaniemi, Kemin Taidemuseo, Kemi, Galleria Otso, Espoo.
-’ Individuals’, Catharina Gasthuis, Stedelijke Musea, Gouda.
1990     -Zomertentoonstelling, Stadsgalerij, Heerlen.
1989     - ’Vrijplaats voor vergankelijk bouwen’, Rijksmuseum Twente, Enschedé.
1988     -’Diversiteit’, Nederlandse Kring van Beeldhouwers, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.                
1983     - ‘Plus Est’, Bonnefanten Museum Maastricht)

Since 2014 - teacher visual arts, project coach, education developer iArts (interdisciplinary    arts),   Arts Faculty Maastricht, Zuyd University
2013   - basisstipendium, Mondriaanfonds, (fbkvb)
            - teacher visual arts, project coach, iArts (interdisciplinary arts), Arts Faculty Maastricht, Zuyd             University
            - financial support, Huis voor de kunsten Limburg
            - financial support, Tout Maastricht
2012   - subsidy City Maastricht, project at Museum dr Guislain Gent (Be)
2011/2012     - coach visual arts, final year performers, Toneelacademie Maastricht
2011   - subsidy City Maastricht concerning project in Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven
2010   - subsidy City Maastricht concerning project Croxhapox Gent, ‘t Brandweer Maastricht
2008   - jurylid ‘Gilbert de Bontridder prijs’, academie Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht
            - member committee, stichting Art2Connect, Maastricht
2007   - subsidy Tijl Fonds, Stichting Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
2006   - subsidy City Maastricht concerning project Museum Mesdag Den Haag
            - pro-subsidy, Stroom, Den Haag concerning project Museum Mesdag Den Haag
- 3 student talks, Georgia State University, Emory University, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, U.S.A
(2005/2013–coördinator/teacher visual arts, Kumulus Centrum voor kunsteducatie, Maastricht
2005     -basisstipendium, Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
2003     -basisstipendium, Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
- subsidy City Maastricht
2001     - subsidy Mama Cash.
- subsidy voorzieningsfonds.
2000     - projectbeurs, Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst.
            - presentation subsidy Provincie Limburg.
            - guest teacher Academie voor beeldende kunsten Maastricht.
1998     - basisstipendium, Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst.
1996     - guest teacher, Academie voor beeldende kunsten, Utrecht.      
1994     - guest teacher, Academie voor beeldende kunsten, Maastricht.
1990-1993    - teacher visual/ sculptural arts, Academie voor beeldende kunsten, Maastricht.
1989-1990    -member committee visual arts, Provincie Limburg.
1989     -Edmond Hustinxprijs voor de beeldende kunst.
-professional expences allowance, Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst.
1986/2014- teacher visual/ sculptural arts , Kumulus Centrum voor kunsteducatie, Maastricht
1983     - member committee kunstenaarscentrum ‘t Bassin, Maastricht.)

2011/2013 – commission re-designing site, 3 bronze sculptures, Lisse (commission 1995)
            - private commission, tombstone in granit, coffin and schrouds
2010   - purchase 2 paintings oil on canvas, art-collection, Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht
            - commission sculpture during TEFAF, Henn-Art, Maastricht
            - commission renovation sculpture, Gemeente Sittard, (commission 1996)
2009   - loan 3 sculptures, 1 painting, APG pensioenfonds, Heerlen.
2008   - purchase sculptuur, ‘Just let your body go, let the music take your soul’, Provinciehuis Maastricht
2006   - purchase Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag, department special publications, artistbook ‘Situations’
            - design for Stella Maris College, Meerssen
            - sequel-commission 3 entrees and nameplates, Drieborg
(2005    - videowork, concerning a video projection and 2 video’s on monitor, Festival ‘Broken Glass’, Schunck/Glaspaleis, Heerlen
2003     - design Brede School Bergen (L)
2001     - workshop Rijksdienst Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, Staatsbosbeheer,         Rinsumageest
1999-2000 – scenic intersection Emmercompascuumdesign of parc with water, greenery,
art, street furniture, architectural, infrastructural/planological advice
- commission design square with sculpture, bronze, audio, plantation and paving, Reuver, completion       2000
1998     - purchase Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag, department special publications,     artistbook
            ‘Binnenste Buiten of Sensoren’
1996     - commission city of Sittard, sculptures in granite, glass, bronze, foto’s and steel, completion November 1996
-commission Drieborg, gemeente Reiderland, Groningen, three sculptures and marked route in terrazzo with historical landmaps in enamele, bronze and steel, advices for plantation and paving, completion September 1997.
1995     -commissiont Gemeente Lisse, environmental design of a square, 3 bronze sculptures, trees, plantation, street furniture, paving, completion April 1996.
1993     -purchase sculpture ‘In de schoot der Godinnen verborgen’, Nederlands Textielmuseum, Tilburg.
1993     -illustrations for the collection of poetry ‘Zandorakel’, Emma Grebolder, Uitgeverij ‘Herik’, Landgraaf.
1990-1992   -commission serial sculpture, petit granite and bronze, Gemeente Landgraaf.
1987     -purchase sculpture ‘Hemel en aarde’ and design of the environment, Boven  IJ Ziekenhuis, Amsterdam.)
various drawings, sculptures, paintings, books in private collections

2013   - lecture by Lex ter Braak, director Van Eyck academie Maastricht concerning ‘Kejutan’.
2012   - guest at Guido Wevers’ cultuurfrühshoppen ‘Maastricht cultural Capital’
            - interview about ‘Uit de keuken van.....’ een sociale sculptuur, radio L1
2010   - artist book ‘The Gardener’s Last Song’ particles patterns and passions, ISBN 978-90-804228-4-1
2009   - author from the review concerning the exhibition ‘Kissing The Target’, Mirriam Custers, Hedah, Maastricht, magazine ‘Beelden’, nr. 1
2007   - Lecture, Academie voor beeldende kunsten Maastricht.
2006   - interview Radio Free Georgia, Atlanta, U.S.A.
- 3 lectures, Georgia State University, Emory University, Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, U.S.A
            - artist book, ‘Situations’, ISBN90-804228-3-5
            - lecture Academie Beeldende Kunsten, Maastricht
            - interview Radio L1, Maastricht
- lecture ‘PHILIP EN JUUL SADÉE, Going Out, Coming Home, het noteren van de wereld 1837-2007’ 4-2-2006 Museum Mesdag Den Haag

2011    - Caspar Cillekens, De Limburger, ‘Uit de keuken van SAM’ 1-6- 2011
2010     - Joost Bolten, director and teacher Media and culture, University Amsterdam, ‘a topology of The Gardener’s Last Song’, part of the artistbook ‘The Gardener’s Last Song’ particles patterns and passions
- Duncan Liefferink, Zuiderlucht, 4-11-2010
2009    - Caspar Cillekens, De Limburger, 5-10-09
- TV 1, 11-10-09
2008     - Ans van Berkum, Beelden, nr 4
-  Zeeuwse courant, juli
2007     - Caspar Cillekens, De Limburger, december 07
2006     - Ine Gevers, art historian, essayist, curator (curator ‘Niet Normaal’), ‘Beyond language and rules’ for the artistbook ‘Situations’
- Ans van Berkum, art historian, publicist, director Casa Casla architectuurinstituut Almere, ‘Haziness as a symbol’ for the artistbook ‘Situations’
- Joost Bolten, director and teacher Media and culture, University Amsterdam, ‘Multi media measuring’, for the artistbook ‘Situations’
- Maartje de Haan, director Museum Mesdag The Hague, ‘Another Sadée in Museum Mesdag’, for the artistbook ‘Situations’
(- José Boyens; ‘Cinq sculpteurs néerlandais, cinq sculptures’, Septentrion numéro 4, 1995
- Ans van Berkum; ‘Individuals’, Finland 1991)